Cooler weather but hotter pizza tips. Two very strong recommendations were given to our pizza team by two pizza loving locals. Off to "Camila's To Go Pizzeria" we went. A very nicely kept pizzeria is what we found at 402 Albany Shaker Rd, Loudonville. We placed our order, not typical (as they did not have chicken parm pizza) but close enough to stay with our scoring rules. 1/2 Cheese and 1/2 prosciutto topping to the other half. We grabbed an indoor table and the pizza was out fast. As you can see by the

picture it was a good looking pie. We were hungry and we find that the best way to judge pizza. Perfectly cut like we like it meant no hesitation from box to plates One observation i found was how light the box was when it was handed to me. More on that later. First bites were very impressive taste wise. A very traditional pizza. Very flavourful and crispy. Before noticing, I was 1/2 way through slice number 3. Pizza Nook and I both said, this is very light and easy to eat. I ended up eating all 4 of my pieces, and the nook 3. More than our usual. Everything about this pizza said traditional and good. If I was pressed to find any fault at all it may have been a
touch oily or greasy as they say. No complaints, I like that Also if I had to notice anything outstanding it was the employees. Very friendly and gracious. Both the Nook and I would recommend Camilla's to go if you're looking for a great pizza night. Our scores: Red Baron 90, Pizza Nook 94. Thank you Camila's.