Another pizza adventure lands us at I Love NY Pizza, 4th St in Troy, NY.
Eating in as usual. I ordered a large 8 cut pizza, 1/2 cheese and 1/2 Chicken Parm (Pizza Nook's favorite). A very busy atmosphere and a serious business ordering method is what you can expect. Our pizza came out pretty quick and looked very good. They cut the pizza perfectly, so not a lot to mess around with when serving.
Out first bites were very good. The garlic and olive oil dominated the taste, which to me was a good thing. The crust was a medium thickness and cooked perfectly for the right amount of crunch yet softness. The cheese and sauce were tasty and traditional so I see this as a plus. I ate 3 pieces pretty quickly and Pizza Nook downed 2. Not a lot more to report on this other than to say I Love NY Pizza was very good and you should get a pizza from them.
The scores: Red Baron 94% and Pizza Nook 95%. Best of luck on your next pizza outing!