Perfect weather may lead to a perfect Pizza adventure or will it? Let's find out. Taking online reviews and a couple in person recommends off to Pistani brothers Pizza at 52 North Greenbush Road we went. Pulled up right in front and before you knew it we were ordering. How simple could this be. Ordered a large pepperoni Pizza and took our seats in the front window.. The pizza arrived in maybe 23 minutes or so so not bad for a busy Friday nite Pizza place. As you can see the pizza looked darn good and was cut without any infractions. Very hot first bites but oh boy this is going to be tasty. Only half way threw our first pieces we both agreed this is going to be a fun nite of Pizza eating. Before slice one was gone we began heaping on praise. Early in the game you say, but its real. When every bite you took made you want another fancy reviewing maybe isn'tnecessary. Nook summed up this pizza by saying, "WOW this has the perfect ratio of cheese to sauce, flavor to dough and feel to crispyness. Everything was working. My thing is a little bit of shiny oily look and sauce combo and i got all i wanted here. As a professional i must looks for holes in there game, but after inspecting the bottom of slices for doneness and crackling of the crust and didn't find a flaw. Hey you guys in the kitchen, nice job.
I must also point out Pistani Bothers up front person was extremely personable and was hustling. Even gave us a little history of the Bothers busness. I mention this because i can admit the great experience may influence the score ever so slightly.
Lets sum it up and score this Pizza. Nook and I agreed, close to perfect sauce, cheese and crispy crust, along with some mystery herbs probably thrown in from there experience leads us to these scores. Red Baron %97 and Pizza Nook also scored a %97. Overall this was a great Pizza to review and we wish every place was like this. Is there better pizza out there? Let us know in the comment section and keep those recommendations coming. RB+PN