Today's pizza recommend comes from a big Bodied pizza lover and his staff of big bodied pizza eaters. The Nook and I got an early start because this recommend came in hot. Off to work we go. We went to Sweet Willy's pizza at 85 Sand Creek road Albany. Pulled into a parking space right out front and in the ordering lines we went. A simple system of ordering to a pleasant young woman and took our seats to await our Pizza. Tonight we ordered a basic large cheese pizza and we both were hungry. The staff was very nice and brought out our settings and before you know it here came the pizza pretty fast. As you can see it was a standard good sized cheese pizza that looked really good and wasn't gonna last long. First bites were VERY hot as it just came from there oven. Flirting with hot danger with every bite I realized I was at work and needed to think about all the flavor going on in my mouth. The first thought I had was this pizza seems perfectly even in crust, cheese, and sauce. Another bite confirmed this, this pizza was made perfectly, probably by the owner. Not one ingredient dominated another and the pizza concert was underway, all we had to do was eat and enjoy. Nook and I didn't discuss a lot as we enjoyed our meal. We did both notice maybe a splash of oregano which just seemed to keep our interest high. All this being said could this pizza make the all star team considering all the local competition? Well yes and here is why. Convenient parking, a friendly staff, a good price, fast service and a above average well made pie. Can you ask for much more?
The nook and I enjoyed our night at Sweet Willy's and would recommend this pizza establishment to others. I think you will go there and get a really good pizza if your experience is anything like ours. Now remember the scoring is on the pizza only and I can give A HONEST And fair score of %91 and the Pizza Nook a %96. Give them a try. Next up for us is a couple popular frozen pizzas, maybe eaten this weekend. Our bests Red Baron and the Pizza Nook.

Sweeeeeeeeet willlyyyyssssss baby!
Why didnt you tell me you were going? I wanted to go. Pizza Pro