A hungry Friday night and a lot of pizza to review took us to this hidden Pizza Gem in East Greenbush. The Manor House is tucked away off Columbia Tpke but is worth the trip, we found out.
Entering Manor House is like a trip to what we all envision in a blue collar working man's bar/restaurant. That being said, once you figure out you have to stand in line and order at a window, that system works well. Then, find a table and relax. We ordered an 8 cut half chicken parm and half cheese pizza. Our wait time was typical, 14 minutes, and whoever is free brings it out to you.
Our pizza looked excellent and was cut to perfection. Out of the box and onto the plate. First bite for me was a winner, I like a good amount of cheese and sauce in every bite and it didn't disappoint. The dominant taste we both talked about was melting cheese and nice olive oil. The crust was middle of the road thickness and a really nice crispiness. We took note that we were both eating our crusts early into the meal. Another note was the pizza slices were markedly larger than our plates. Yes, we took a lot home.
Overall, a great experience that I will do again.
The Scores: Red Baron- 97%, Pizza Nook 98%
See you soon, and give us your recommendations!